Config Server Firewall

Continuous Ping Command (Continues Ping)

In Windows CMD, ping -t is the Continuous Ping Command. By default, the ping command in Windows sends four ICMP packets to the destination host.


Add the -t option if you want to send continuous pings, as shown in the following example:

ping -t

To stop the process, Press Ctrl+C key combination.

continuous ping command
Continuous Ping Command

While running the Continuous Ping Command, press Ctrl + Pause to view statistics. It does not stop the command but displays statistics for the echo requests sent up to the point.

cmd ping statistics

Click on this link to learn more about Windows Ping Command.


In Linux, continuous ping is the default. The ping command on Linux sends pings to the destination until you stop the process by pressing the Ctrl+C key combination.

continuous ping in linux

If you want to specify the ping count, use the -c option. For example, the following command sends four pings to the destination host

ping -c 4

On Windows, use the -n option to specify the ping count:

ping -n 10


In PowerShell, we use the Test-Connection cmdlet to send pings to a destination computer. With the Test-Connection cmdlet, we use the -Repeat parameter to send continuous pings:

Test-Connection -Repeat

To specify the ping count, use the -Count parameter, as shown in the following example:

Test-Connection -Count 4

To stop the Test-Connection cmdlet Press the Ctrl+C key combination.