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How to Tell if Your Computer is 32 or 64 Bit Windows 10

Finding out which version of Windows 10 your computer running (32 or 64) will help when choosing which software installer to download.

When downloading Windows 10, you can choose between two editions: 32 bit and 64 bit.

When downloading Windows 10, you can choose between two editions: 32 bit and 64 bit.

If you are not sure whether your computer Is 32 or 64 Bit Windows 10, you can check the operating system architecture by using the following steps.

Click the Start button and then click the Settings icon from the Start menu.

check the operating system architecture by using the following steps

Choose the System category.

Windows 10 System Settings

When the System category appears, click About from the window’s left pane. In the About screen, you will see a section titled Device specifications.

In the Device specifications section, we can find the Operating system type, as shown in the previous screenshot.

how to check 32 or 64 bit windows 10

There is another way, open the File Explorer and right-click the This PC icon from the explorer's left pane. From the shortcut menu, choose Properties to View basic information (Including Processor and Operating System architecture) about your Windows 10 computer.

How to Tell if Your Computer Is 32 or 64 Bit Windows 10