Linux wget Command Examples, Tips and Tricks

The wget is a Linux command line tool for download web pages and files from the internet. The wget command in Linux support HTTP, HTTPS as well as FTP protocol.

In this tutorial we will see how to use wget command with examples.

Install wget command on Linux

To install Wget on Debian and Ubuntu-based Linux systems, run the following command.

apt-get install wget

To install Wget on Red Hat/CentOS and Fedora use the following command:

yum install wget

Download Web pages with wget command

Capturing a single web page with wget is straightforward. To download a web page or file, simply use the wget command followed by the URL of the web page or file.


Since we only used the url, not a specific file name, output will be saved as "index.html".

Linux wget Command Examples, Tips and Tricks

Following command will download the 'latest.tar.gz' file from the website.


The file will be saved with the same name as remote filename.

Save with different filename

By default wget command will save the download file same name as the remote file. With -O (uppercase o) option we can specify different output file name.

Following wget command will download latest.tar.gz file and save it as wordpress.tar.gz.

wget -O wordpress.tar.gz

Download Multiple files and pages

The wget command can download multiple files or webpages at once.

wget URL1 URL2

Set User Agent in wget command

The --user-agent change the default user agent. The following example will retrieve and use 'Mozilla/4.0' as wget User-Agent.

wget --user-agent='Mozilla/4.0'

View Server Response Headers

Sometimes you will want to see the headers sent by the Server. The -S or --server-response option will print the response headers.

wget -S

Save verbose output to a log file

By default wget command prints verbose output to the Linux terminal. The -o (lowercase 0) option will log all messages to a logfile.

wget -o log.txt

The above wget command will save verbose output to the 'log.txt' file.

Recursive Download with wget command

The -r or --recursive option use to Turn on recursive retrieving.

wget -r

The default maximum depth of the recursive download is 5. But we can Specify recursion maximum depth level using the -l option.

wget -r -l 10

The wget recursive mode crawl through the website and follow all links up to maximum depth level.

Note that, '-l 0' is Infinite recursion, So if you set maximum depth to zero, it will download all the files on the website.

The --convert-links is a useful option, it convert links to make them suitable for local viewing.

wget -r l 2 --convert-links

Set max download size

We can set the max download size when retrieving files recursively. The download process will be aborted when the limit is exceeded. The value can be specified in bytes (default), kilobytes (with k suffix), or megabytes (with m suffix).

wget -r --quota=1m

Note that quota will never affect downloading a single file.

Site Mirroring with wget command

Mirroring is similar to Recursive Download but there is no maximum depth level, So it will download the full website.

wget --mirror --convert-links

Download Specific File Types

The -A option allows us to tell the wget command to download specific file types. This is done with the Recursive Download. For example, if you need to download pdf files from a website.

wget -A '*.pdf -r 

Note that recursive retrieving will be limited to the maximum depth level, default is 5.

Download Files From FTP Server

We can use wget command to download files from a FTP Server.

wget --ftp-user=username --ftp-password=pass

As per the above example, wget command will download 'file1.txt' from the FTP Server located at

The recursive option also can be used with the FTP protocol to download FTP files recursively.

wget -r --ftp-user=username --ftp-password=pass

Set Download Speed with wget

We can also limit download speed when downloading files with the wget command. Following command will download '' and limits the download speed to 20KB/s.

wget --limit-rate=20k url/

Download rate may be expressed in bytes, kilobytes with the k suffix, or megabytes with the m suffix and no suffix for bytes.

Read URLs from a text file

The Linux wget command can read url's from a text file provided with -i option.

wget -i url.txt

The input file can contain multiple Urls, But each url must start in a new line.

Continue incomplete download with wget command

The -c / --continue option of the wget command use to continue downloading a partially-downloaded file. This is useful when you want to finish up a download started by a previous wget instance or by another program.

wget -c

Run wget command in the background

The -b / --background option sends the wget process to background immediately after startup. This is useful if you are downloading a large file that will take longer to finish.

wget -b

The output of the wget process is redirected to 'wget-log' unless you specified a different log file with -o option.

We can monitor the wget process with tail command.

tail -f wget-log

Run wget on debug mode

When debug is turned on, wget print various information important to the developers and system administrators.

wget --debug

The debug output includes wget request headers and response headers sent by the remote server.

Run wget command as a web spider

When the --spider option is used, wget command behaves like a web spider, which means that it will not download the pages, just check that they are there. If there are any broken links on the webpage it will be reported.

wget -r --spider