Ubuntu Linux

How to Install Ubuntu on Windows 10 How to Install Ubuntu on Windows 10
How to Install Chrome via Terminal on Ubuntu How to Install Chrome via Terminal on Ubuntu
Install Samba on Ubuntu Install Samba on Ubuntu
How to Install VirtualBox on Ubuntu 24 How to Install VirtualBox on Ubuntu 24
Install ClamAV Antivirus on Ubuntu Server/Desktop Install ClamAV Antivirus on Ubuntu Server/Desktop
How to Install Chrome Browser on Ubuntu 24 How to Install Chrome Browser on Ubuntu 24
How to Add a user to Sudoers in Ubuntu Linux How to Add a user to Sudoers in Ubuntu Linux
How to Install VNC Server on Ubuntu How to Install VNC Server on Ubuntu
How to Allow MySQL Remote Access in Ubuntu Server How to Allow MySQL Remote Access in Ubuntu Server
How to Update the Chrome Browser in Ubuntu How to Update the Chrome Browser in Ubuntu
Ubuntu Snap Packages: Complete guide to snap package management tool Ubuntu Snap Packages: Complete guide to snap package management tool
How to Set Up Permanent Static Routes in Ubuntu Server 24 (Netplan Method) How to Set Up Permanent Static Routes in Ubuntu Server 24 (Netplan Method)

How to Set Static IP Addresses in Ubuntu 24 Server (Netplan Tutorial)

Configure static IP addresses on Ubuntu Server 24 using Netplan.

How to Install PEAR Package Manager on Ubuntu

PEAR is a repository of PHP packages that extend the functionality of PHP.

How to Uninstall Apache2 in Ubuntu

Learn how to completely uninstall apache2 Web Server in Ubuntu Linux.

How-to: Uninstall VirtualBox in Ubuntu Linux

Learn how to uninstall Oracle VM VirtualBox in Ubuntu completely using the apt command.

How to Check Python Version in Ubuntu

Python 3 is the default version in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, although Python 2 is still available to Install.

How to List Running Processes in Ubuntu Server with ps aux

As a Linux administrator, you will need to know how to list running processes and how to manage these processes.

How to Change Username in Ubuntu Linux

If you want to change the username of a user account, it can be done from the command line using the usermod command.

How to Show Routing Table in Ubuntu Server

When Forwarding IP packets toward their destinations, Ubuntu determines which interface to use to forward the packet to the destination based on the information in its routing table.

Add User To Docker Group In Ubuntu Linux

By default, the docker command should run with root privileges. To run Docker as a non-root user in Ubuntu, you have to add the user to the docker group. Otherwise, you will receive an error.

How to Change Default Browser in Ubuntu Desktop

Ubuntu Desktop comes with Firefox as the default browser. If you prefer to use another browser such as Chrome or Opera, First install it and then Go to the Default Applications setting.

How To Open Terminal in Ubuntu | Keyboard Shortcut

GNOME Terminal is the default command prompt in Ubuntu. There are several ways to open a terminal in Ubuntu Linux, including keyboard shortcut.

Add User To Root Group In Ubuntu Linux

What happens if you add a normal user to the root group? We can add regular users to the root Linux group using the usermod command.

Ubuntu Netstat Command - List Opened Port and Services

The netstat command is used to display network-related information such as open connections and socket ports. On Ubuntu, you’ll need to install the net-tools to use the netstat command.

Create New User In Ubuntu with the adduser Command

To create a user account on Ubuntu, we use the adduser command. The adduser command is an interactive way to create user accounts and passwords with a single command.

How to install Vim on Ubuntu Linux

On Ubuntu, nano is the default command line text editor. If you prefer to use Vim, you can install Vim with apt the package manager.

Install PuTTY in Ubuntu Linux

PuTTY is a free and open source terminal emulator application for Ubuntu Linux. Putty can act as a client for the various protocols such as SSH, SCP, Telnet, and Rlogin TCP computing protocols.

Delete a user account in Ubuntu with the deluser command

The deluser command is used to delete user account in Ubuntu. The command usually run with the --remove-home option, which removes the user's home directory.

How to Install Ruby on Rails on Ubuntu Linux

Before we can start building Rails applications, you'll need to get Ruby on Rails installed on your system. Installing Ruby and Rails can be tricky, if you don't do it the right way.

How to Install Latest MySQL Version on Ubuntu Server

To get the most up to date version, you need to add the Oracle's MySQL repository to your list and then you can install MySQL through the package management software.

How to Completely Remove MySQL from Ubuntu

It is fairly easy uninstall MySQL server in Ubuntu. Using the apt command we can completely remove MySQL database server, the data directory and all configuration files.

Mount VeraCrypt Volume in Ubuntu Linux

Now lets see how to mount file container in Ubuntu in order to access your hidden files inside an encrypted VeraCrypt container. We can do this by using either the GUI or the terminal.

Create an Encrypted File Container Using VeraCrypt in Ubuntu

VeraCrypt is a cross-platform file encryption software that let you create encrypted file containers that can access from any operating system. In this demo I'm going to create new VeraCrypt volume on my Ubuntu 18.04 desktop.

How to Install VeraCrypt on Ubuntu

TrueCrypt was a popular cross-platform software used to encrypt and protect your data. But the TrueCrypt project is no longer maintained and the VeraCrypt has become the most popular alternative to TrueCrypt.

How to Change Hostname in Ubuntu Server/Desktop

Hostname is the friendly name use to identify your server on a network. Configuring the hostname is an important network configuration task and therefore as a Linux administrator, it is important that you know how to set the hostname in your Ubuntu system.

How to Edit the Hosts File in Ubuntu Linux

Ubuntu utilizes the /etc/hosts file, as well as DNS services to look up IP Addresses. When communicating with a remote computer by their name (instead of IP address), the Ubuntu domain name lookup service looks first in the /etc/hosts file before consulting DNS servers. If an entry found in this file, the Ubuntu system will not communicate with a DNS server to resolve the IP address.

How to Install MySQL Client on Ubuntu

The program that interfaces with the server is known as a MySQL client. The most basic client that you can use is the command line tool, most commonly known as MySQL client.

How to Restart Apache in Ubuntu Server 18.04

In this tutorial you are going to learn how to Restart Apache Web Server in Ubuntu Server 18.04. It's important to note that for any change you make to Apache, you will need to reload or restart the Apache service.

How to Install Redis on Ubuntu 18.04 Server

In this tutorial we are going to learn how to install Redis on Ubuntu 18.04 Linux. For this tutorial I am going to use Ubuntu Server 18.04, but you can also use following guide to install Redis on Ubuntu 16.04 server as well.

How to set DNS Servers in Ubuntu 18.04 Linux

There are multiple methods for setting DNS nameservers on an Ubuntu Linux, and which method you use depends on which version of Ubuntu you're running. If you are using the Ubuntu server 18.04, you need to add DNS configuration to the interface configuration file. Desktop users need to set DNS server using the NetworkManager graphical configuration tool.

How to Install Steam on Ubuntu 18.04 Linux Bionic Beaver

In this tutorial we are going to learn how to install Steam on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. Steam is a cross-platform software delivery platform where you can find PC games that can play in your Ubuntu 18.04 Desktop.

How to Uninstall phpMyAdmin in Ubuntu Server

Following tutorial explains how to uninstall phpMyAdmin on Ubuntu 18.04 Server, you can also use following method on any previous Ubuntu release. We will also discuss how to enable and disable phpMyAdmin without uninstalling the phpMyAdmin package.

How to Install Cockpit on Ubuntu Server 18.04

Cockpit provides web interface for managing Linux Distributions via a Web Browser. Cockpit becoming more popular because, Cockpit can be used to manage Docker containers.

How to Install NVIDIA Drivers on Ubuntu 18.04

You need to install NVIDIA drivers for your graphics cards, to get some advanced features from your video card.

In this tutorial, you learn how to install NVIDIA drivers for Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver. Although open source drivers are installed by default on Ubuntu 18.04, those drivers may not support 3D hardware acceleration and other advanced features.

How to zip folder and unzip zip file in Ubuntu

To zip files and folder in Ubuntu we need to install zip package. To unzip zip file we need to install unzip command. Both packages are installed by default on Ubuntu desktop version, but not in the Ubuntu server.

How to Check MySQL Version in Ubuntu

Each version of MySQL adds new features to the database and some old features, and queries will be either removed or deprecated. So when you connect an application, it is important to determine the current MySQL version to make sure that your application is compatible with the database.

Install Wine, Winetricks and PlayOnLinux on Ubuntu 18.04

Wine is an implementation of Windows APIs that used to run Windows software directly within Ubuntu Linux. Winetricks and PlayOnLinux are third party applications run top of the wine to making it easy for the user to install Windows softwares.

How to Allow MySQL remote connections in Ubuntu Server 18.04

This tutorial explains how to allow remote connections to the MySQL/MariaDB server on Ubuntu 18.04. The default behaviour of the Ubuntu MySQL Server blocks all remote connections. Which prevent us from accessing the database server from the outside.

How to Reset MariaDB root password in Ubuntu 18.04

This tutorial explains how to reset MariaDB root password in Ubuntu server 18.04 bionic beaver.

MariaDB server on Ubuntu does not need a password for connecting as a root user because the server-side plugin named unix_socket is used to authenticate clients which are connected from the local host using the Unix socket file.

How to Reset MySQL root password in Ubuntu 18.04

MySQL server on Ubuntu 18.04 use Unix Socket plugin to authenticate MySQL root user by default. Unix socket also known as auth_socket authentication plugin authenticates the user using the OS credential. Which means a user can only log in If the operating system user name matches the MySQL user name specified by the client.

How to enable FTP passive mode on Ubuntu vsftpd server

By default, FTP Connections are in Active mode. However, there is another mode called Passive FTP.

From the server, we need to enable passive FTP If the FTP client uses the passive mode to initiate the FTP connection .

How to Install vsftpd FTP Server in Ubuntu 18.04

The FTP gives us the ability to upload files from a local system to a remote host or download them from a remote host to a local system.

There are a couple of FTP server solutions available for Ubuntu, one we are going to use is VSFTPD which stands for very secure FTP daemon.

How to Install Apache, PHP and MySQL on Ubuntu 18.04

In this tutorial we are going to learn how to configure Ubuntu 18.04 server as a web server using the Ubuntu LAMP stack, which includes the Apache web server, PHP programming Language and MySQL/MariaDB Database Server.

How to Install KDE Desktop on Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver

Ubuntu 18.04 uses GNOME as its default desktop, but there are a couple of other desktops you can use. One of the most popular desktop is KDE Plasma desktop which has a clean, elegant look and similar to the Microsoft Windows desktop.

How to Update Google Chrome in Ubuntu Linux

This tutorial explains how to update google chrome web browser in Ubuntu Linux. You and use use this guide to update chrome in any Ubuntu version, including Ubuntu 18.04 and 16.04 LTS.

Install and Configure Git Version Control on Ubuntu

Git is the most popular open-source version control management system. Version control is a system that records changes to a file or set of files over time so that you can recall specific versions later.

This tutorial we will start by installing git on Ubuntu 18.04 and then we will see how to configure and initialize a new repository.

How to Disable IPv6 in Ubuntu Server 18.04/16.4 LTS

This tutorial explains how to disable IPv6 in Ubuntu 18.04/16.04 (compatible with both Ubuntu server and Desktop version). There are a couple of ways we can disable IPv6 on Ubuntu server. One method is to turn off IPv6 using sysctl, the second method is to edit the grub config file. We will look at both methods.

Ubuntu Network Manager: Enabling and disabling NetworkManager on Ubuntu

How to Configure static IP address in Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS

When it comes to Ubuntu network interface configuration, the way in which you set a static IP has completely changed. The previous LTS version Ubuntu 16.04 used /etc/network/interface file to configure static IP addresses, but Ubuntu 18.04 use new method known as netplan.

How to Upgrade Ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04 LTS

The newest Ubuntu LTS version Ubuntu 18.04 has been released, now it is time to upgrade your Ubuntu 16.04 system to 18.04 LTS. This tutorial explains how to upgrade Ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04 in both Ubuntu server and desktop.

How to Install Desktop on Ubuntu Server

We don’t need a desktop to work with Ubuntu server, because the Linux command line interface is very powerful, more efficient and very easy to use. However, if you are new to the Linux operating system or quite unfamiliar with the command line interface, then Graphical user interface may become a handy tool for you.

How to Install Genymotion Android Emulator on Ubuntu

In this tutorial I am going to explain how to Download and Install Genymotion Android emulator on Ubuntu. I will also show you how to setup Genymotion with Android studio so you can emulate your Android app directly from the Android Studio.

How to Disable SELinux in Ubuntu Server/Desktop

In this tutorial I will explain how to configure SeLinux on Ubuntu Operating system.

SELinux or Security Enhanced Linux is an additional layer of security services on top of the standard Linux DAC Mechanism and brings further protection to your Linux operating System By denying everything that has not been specifically allowed.

Install Go Programming Language on Ubuntu Linux

Golang, also known as Go is an Open source cross platform programming language developed by google. Very powerful but simple, Go support all the major operating systems. Go Programming language run on Windows, Linux, macOS, FreeBSD and many other Unix operating systems.

How to Install VirtualBox on Ubuntu Desktop

Oracle VM VirtualBox is a popular Type 2 hypervisor available for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Solaris. Unlike VMware Workstation Pro, VirtualBox is a free, open source, cross-platform virtualization software package.

How to Install VMware Workstation on Ubuntu

Installing VMware Workstation on Ubuntu isn't hard to do. Actually, it's very easy. First, we need to download the installer, run the installer from the command line, then install with default parameters and it will work.

How to Make Ubuntu Bootable USB Flash Drive on Windows

Discs are dying! Most of the new laptops and smaller computers come without a CD/DVD drive. But don’t worry, You can still install Ubuntu on your computer using a USB flash drive. Installing Ubuntu from a USB pen drive can be a little more difficult at first, but once you get the installer is up and running, the installation process is exact.

How to Install Visual Studio Code on Ubuntu Desktop

Visual Studio Code, also known as vscode is an open source text editor from Microsoft, it's been around for a while and it's getting very very popular amongst the front-end developers, so if you are front-end developer working a lot with JavaScript and other web frameworks, you definitely want to try vscode IDE.

How to Update Mozilla Firefox in Ubuntu Terminal

Arguably, the web browser is the most important piece of software on our computer. We use web browser to maintaining our social networks to online banking. Hackers exploit browser vulnerabilities to attack your computer and steal sensitive data, so it is very important you keep your web browser up to date.

How to Install TrueCrypt on Ubuntu Linux

TrueCrypt is a free, open-source disk encryption tool that works on Linux, Windows, and Mac. This article explains how to install TrueCrypt on Ubuntu Linux and create encrypted file containers to hide your sensitive data.

Install and Configure Squid on Ubuntu Server

In this tutorial, we will learn how to install and configure the squid proxy and caching server on Ubuntu Linux. The term proxy is generally combined with two different terms, one is forward proxy and the other is reverse proxy.

How to Install pip in Ubuntu Linux

pip is the tool used to install Python libraries, It's automatically finds, download and install python packages.

In this tutorial we are going to learn how to install python pip command in Ubuntu Linux.

How to Install NetBeans in Ubuntu Desktop

The NetBeans IDE is a free, open source, Java based Integrated Development Environment (IDE) which can be downloadable for different technologies, including Java, PHP, JavaScript, C/C++, HTML, and others.

How to set JAVA_HOME Environment Variable in Ubuntu

Some applications require you to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to your JDK installation directory. So in this tutorial I will explain how to find the path to the Java installation directory and set JAVA_HOME in Ubuntu Linux.

Install Oracle JDK 9 on Ubuntu and set JAVA_HOME PATH Variable

In this tutorial, we will look at how to install Oracle JDK 9 on Ubuntu Linux and also how to set JAVA_HOME and configure the PATH variable to make the java and javac compiler available from any location within the Ubuntu Terminal.

How to Install Android Studio in Ubuntu

In this tutorial we will learn How to Install and Configure Google's Android Studio, the official tool for developing Android applications.

Android Studio is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) designed for developing Android apps. It is the most popular IDE for Android app development.

Install Intellij IDEA on Ubuntu Desktop

IntelliJ IDEA is available as a free Community Edition as well as commercial edition. One we are going to install on Ubuntu is the Community Edition, but the installation process is same for the Both editions.

How to Install Sublime Text 3 on Ubuntu Desktop

In this article I will explain how to install Sublime Text 3 on Ubuntu Desktop. First, we will first add the Sublime apt repository for Ubuntu Linux, then we install sublime text 3 with apt-get command.

You can do following steps to install sublime 3 on any version of Ubuntu Linux.

How to Install TeamViewer in Ubuntu Desktop

TeamViewer is a remote desktop access and desktop sharing software Available free for personal, noncommercial use. If you want to access your Ubuntu Desktop From a Remote Computer, then install the TeamViewer on your Ubuntu Desktop.

How to Install Java JDK 8 on Ubuntu Linux

In this tutorial we are going to learn how to install Java Development kit on Ubuntu 16.04.

Java development Kit is the Java development platform which provides Java compiler (javac). The Ubuntu JDK 8 package includes both jdk and jre platforms.

How to Install Steam on Ubuntu 16.04 Desktop

Steam is a cross-platform software delivery platform where you can find games that can play in your Ubuntu 16.04 Desktop. When you install steam on Ubuntu, you get access to lots of games and other softwares. Some of these games available for free while others require you to pay.

How to get Superuser Privileges in Ubuntu

In this tutorial we are going to learn how to get superuser superuser privileges in Ubuntu.

To run a command as the root, you need to have superuser privileges. How do we get superuser power in Ubuntu Linux?

How to Install WordPress on Ubuntu Server

WordPress is the most popular content management system and most of the dynamic Websites on the Internet is Powered by The WordPress. So as a Linux System administrator it is really important know How to Install WordPress.

Install Redis Server on Ubuntu 16.04

We will install redis server on Ubuntu and access the server with redis-cli command.

Then, we are going to configure redis server to allow connections from remote computers.

How to Restart Nginx Web Server On Ubuntu

Whenever you make a change to the nginx configuration file, you must restart Nginx to reload the configuration for the changes to take effect.

Ubuntu systemctl command - Manage Services in Ubuntu Linux

Let's see how to use the systemctl command on Ubuntu Linux. The systemctl command mostly used to manage systemd services, but can be used to shutdown and restart Ubuntu System.

Create Virtual Host in Ubuntu Nginx Web Server

Learn how to create virtual host in the Ubuntu Nginx Web Server. The Virtualhost is the method we use to host multiple websites on a Single Web Server.

Install Nginx on Ubuntu Server with PHP-FPM

Learn How to Install Nginx on Ubuntu Server 16.04. We will also install the PHP programming language to serve dynamic content from our Ubuntu Nginx web server.

Install Cockpit on Ubuntu Server 16.04

Cockpit provides web interface for managing Linux Distributions via a Web Browser. Cockpit becoming more popular because, Cockpit can be used to manage Docker containers.

How to Clear Terminal History in Ubuntu Operating System

The history mechanism in Ubuntu keeps track of terminal commands you executed. The Command line history is user independent, means every user has their own separate history.

How to Create Python Virtual Environment in Ubuntu Linux

With virtualenvwrapper we can easily create isolated development environments. For example, if you’re working on two python projects, and one requires Django 1.7 but the other project requires Django 1.8, you can easily run both on your system thanks to the Python virtualenvwrapper.

How to Install Google Earth on Ubuntu 16.04 Desktop

Today I am going to show you How to Install Google Earth on Ubuntu 16.04 desktop. Actually, it is So much easier than you think, So let me explain.

You can also follow this guide on Ubuntu 14.04 and Ubuntu 17.

How to List Services in Ubuntu Server / Desktop

Learn how to list services in Ubuntu using the command line interface. We will see how we can list running services and services that are not running.

Learn How to Install 7zip on Ubuntu and Create 7zip Archive Files

Let's See How to install 7zip on Ubuntu Linux. Like zip and gz, 7zip also a compression method mostly used in Windows.

How to Install deb Files in Ubuntu Linux with gdebi and dpkg

So, how do we install deb files in Ubuntu Linux?

Every now and then we have to install softwares in Ubuntu locally from .deb packages. For example, proprietary software softwares like Skype is not available from the Ubuntu repositories, Skype only provides the deb package from their website.

List Installed Packages on Ubuntu with apt and dpkg command

When working on a Debian/ Ubuntu System, it is important to know how to list installed packages on your Machine. So let's see how we can show installed packages in Ubuntu and Debian Linux using the Command Line Interface.

How to Check Ubuntu Version In Command Line and Desktop

There are two ways we can check the version in Ubuntu Linux. One is to use the lsb_release command in the terminal, Second method is to check version from the Unity Desktop.

Install SSH on Ubuntu and Enable SSH root login (OpenSSH Server)

In this tutorial we are going to learn how to install and configure SSH Server on Ubuntu Server/Desktop Operating System. The Secure Shell (SSH) is the most common and secure way to manage Ubuntu using a command line from a remote location.

How to Mount Samba Share in Ubuntu Linux

In this tutorial we are going to learn how to mount samba share on Ubuntu.

For this tutorial I am using Ubuntu Server 16.04, But you can use the following guide to mount Samba CIFS Share in any version of Ubuntu Linux including Ubuntu Desktop.

Sample etc apt sources list file for Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial

Default apt sources list file for Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial. If your current /etc/apt/sources.list file is broken, Then replace it with following.

How to List Installed Packages in Ubuntu Server

In this tutorial we are going to learn how to list installed packages in Ubuntu Linux.

As an Ubuntu administrator, you need to know how to list installed packages on your Ubuntu System or check whether a certain package is already installed or Not.

How to Update Bash in Ubuntu Server with apt-get command

Learn how to update bash (Bourne Again shell) in Ubuntu Server using apt-get install command.

Keep your Ubuntu Server up to date by updating the bash shell.

Install and Configure DHCP Server in Ubuntu

In this tutorial we are going to learn How to Install DHCP Server on Ubuntu Server 16.04. At the end of this tutorial you should be able to configure your Ubuntu Server as DHCP server and issue dynamic IP Address to the DHCP clients on your Network.

How to Install LAMP Server in Ubuntu 16.04 with Tasksel Command

In this article I am going to show you how to install LAMP Server in Ubuntu using the tasksel command.

For This tutorial I will be using Ubuntu 16.04, But you can use this method to install LAMP Stack on any Previous Ubuntu version including Ubuntu Desktop.

How to Install Cinnamon Desktop on Ubuntu

In this article I am going to show you, how to install Cinnamon Desktop on Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver. The cinnamon desktop is probably the most beautiful desktop environment available for the Ubuntu and much better than the GNOME or Unity Desktop.

How to search for packages in Ubuntu Server with apt cache search

In this tutorial we are going to learn how search packages in Ubuntu using apt-cache search command.

When you are going to install a package in Ubuntu using apt-get install command, you need to know the correct name of the package you want to install. For example, you want to install Java on Ubuntu, But you are not quite sure what is the name of the package that provides Java for Ubuntu Linux.

How to Install Pycharm on Ubuntu 16.04 Desktop

In this article I am going to show you how to install pycharm Python IDE on Ubuntu Desktop 16.04. Pycharm is one of the most popular Python Editor which you can use as your Python IDE in Ubuntu Desktop 16.04.

Pycharm provides free community edition, which we are going to install on Ubuntu Desktop 16.04.

How to Install Varnish on Ubuntu Server 16.04

Varnish is a web application accelerator. We install varnish front of the web server to cache HTML files of websites and serve them faster to the users.

In this tutorial we are going to learn how to install and configure the varnish cache on Ubuntu Server 16.04. We will configure varnish for Ubuntu Apache Web Server.

How to Restart Apache in Ubuntu Server 16.04

In this tutorial you are going to learn how to Restart Apache Web Server in Ubuntu Server 16.04.

To Restart Ubuntu Apache2 Web Server you can use systemctl command or apache2ctl command.

Install and Configure Apache2 on Ubuntu Server 16.04

In this tutorial we are going to learn how to install and configure Apache Web Server on Ubuntu 16.04. We will also learn How to Configure a Virtual Host on Ubuntu Apache Web Server.

The Apache server for Ubuntu server 16.04 provides by the apache2 package. We can install apache2 on Ubuntu 16.04 using apt-get install command.

How to Install IDLE Python IDE on Ubuntu Desktop 16.04

In this article we are going to look at how to install Python IDLE IDE on Ubuntu Desktop 16.04. We are going to install IDLE IDE for both Python 2 and Python 3.

How to List Network Interfaces in Ubuntu Linux

In this tutorial we are going to learn how to list network interfaces in Ubuntu Linux. For the tutorial I am going to use Ubuntu Server 16.04, But this works on any previous version of Ubuntu Linux.

How to Restart Network in Ubuntu Server 16.04

In this tutorial we are going to learn how to restart network in Ubuntu Server 16.04. Latest release of Ubuntu Server seems to have some issues when restarting network interfaces, So let's how we can do it properly. Problem with Ubuntu 16.04 is that when you configure new IP Address on a Network interface, it does not remove the old IP Address from the interface after network restart.

How to Install Notepad++ on Ubuntu Desktop

In this tutorial we are going to learn how to install Notepad++ on Ubuntu 16.04 Desktop Operating system. Notepad++ editor is a lightweight programming text editor and very popular among Windows users. Notepad++ editor is only available as a Windows installer, But using Wine Windows program loader we can easily install Notepad++ on Ubuntu Desktop.

How to Change Apache port in Ubuntu Server 16.04

By default Apache web server run on port 80, which is port use by the HTTP protocol. But sometimes you will need to change the default apache port to a different port, for example, if you are planning to run more the one web server on your Ubuntu Server 16.04. In this tutorial we are going to learn how to change the default apache port number in Ubuntu Server 16.04.

Learn How to Install Wine on Ubuntu 16.04

Wine is free, open source software capable of running windows application on Linux. Using Wine we can run almost any windows software on Ubuntu Linux. We can even install Microsoft office on Ubuntu using the wine. In this tutorial we are going to learn how to install and configure wine on Ubuntu 16.04 Desktop operating system. This method also works on Ubuntu 14.04 Desktop.

How to Install Google Chrome in Ubuntu Desktop 16.04

Mozilla Firefox is the default web browser in Ubuntu Desktop 16.04. But most of you will like to use google chrome as your web browser in Ubuntu Desktop. In this tutorial we are going to learn how to install google chrome on Ubuntu Desktop 16.04. First, we are going to download google chrome for Ubuntu Linux, Then we install google chrome on Ubuntu using Ubuntu Software Installer.

How to Install Samba on Ubuntu Server 16.04

In this tutorial we are going to learn how to install samba share server on Ubuntu Server 16.04. After Completing This tutorial you should be able to configure your Ubuntu Server as a file server and share files with the Microsoft Windows Operating System. Ubuntu samba is a software package comes with Ubuntu Linux, which allows you to set up and configure your Ubuntu Server as a File server And allow you to share files with Microsoft windows via SMB Protocol. First, we will install and configure samba on Ubuntu server 16.04 and then we will learn how to mount the samba share on Microsoft windows 7.

How to set static IP Address in Ubuntu Server 16.04

It is really important to know how to configure static IP Address on Ubuntu Server, Because it is almost impossible to run a server without a static IP Address. During the installation, Ubuntu Server by default configured to use dynamic IP Address. In this Tutorial we are going to learn how to set static IP Address in Ubuntu Server 16.04.

Install gnome 3 on Ubuntu Desktop 16.04

Ubuntu Desktop 16.04 comes with the unity desktop by default. But we can install gnome 3 desktop on Ubuntu if you like to use gnome 3 as your desktop environment. In this tutorial we are going to learn how to install gnome3 on Ubuntu Desktop 16.04. When you install Ubuntu gnome 3, it does not remove existing default unity desktop environment. Both desktops will be available and you can switch between unity and gnome3 as you like.

How to Enable root Login in Ubuntu Desktop 16.04

In Ubuntu Desktop 16.04 root login is disabled by default. During the installation process, you won’t be asked to set up a password for the root user in Ubuntu Desktop. Instead, you will create a regular user who has administrative privileges to work as root user. But some user like to login as root user directly to the Ubuntu desktop. In this Tutorial We are going to learn how to enable root user in Ubuntu Desktop 16.04.

Install VirtualBox Guest Additions Ubuntu 18.04

In this tutorial we are going to learn how to install the VirtualBox guest additions on Ubuntu 18.04 Virtual Machine runs on Oracle VM VirtualBox. You can use the following method on Both Ubuntu Server and Desktop Operating Systems. Before we install Ubuntu VirtualBox guest additions, we need to install dependency packages which include dkms, build-essential and linux-headers . Then we mount the guest additions CD image to the Ubuntu VM and run the VBoxLinuxAdditions.run file. So let's see how it is done.

How to Install PHP 7 on Ubuntu Server 14.04

In This Tutorial You are going to learn How to Install PHP 7 on Ubuntu Server 14.04.

There are two methods we can use to install PHP 7 on Ubuntu Linux. One method is to use a third party repository and install PHP 7 using apt-get install command. Another method is to install and compile PHP 7 from the Source.

So the first method is to use a third party software repository for Ubuntu Linux 14.04. So let's see how it is done.