WSL 2: Error 0x80070040 The specified network name is no longer available (And How to Fix It)

The specified network name is no longer available

In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to solve Error: 0x80070040 The specified network name is no longer available in Windows 10 WSL 2.

This is a very well-known error that happens in Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 when installing a new Linux distribution.

Installing, this may take a few minutes...
WslRegisterDistribution failed with error: 0x80070040
Error: 0x80070040 The specified network name is no longer available.

Press any key to continue...

There is an easy workaround for this error. What we need to do is set WSL 1 as the default WSL version and let our new distro install in WSL 1. After it was successfully installed, we can convert it to a WSL 2 distro.

For example, in my Windows 10 PC, I have a Kali Linux distribution that fails to install with the error: The specified network name is no longer available.

WslRegisterDistribution failed with error: 0x80070040

To solve this problem, first, we need to set WSL 1 as the default WSL version by running the following command:

wsl --set-default-version 1

Next, we will start the distro (It should start without any problem in WSL 1).

To solve this problem, first, we need to set WSL 1 as the default WSL version

After that, exit the distro and convert it to WSL 2 using the following command:

wsl --set-version kali-linux 2

After the process completes in a few minutes, we should be able to start our Linux distribution without an error, running on Windows Subsystem for Linux 2.

Fixing the error, The specified network name is no longer available

We can run the wsl --list -v command to verify that the distro was converted to WSL 2.