What is Docker Hub? The official Docker Registry
One of the most important aspects of the Docker is the Docker Hub. Docker Hub is the official docker registry where you can find docker images as well as host your own images. In this tutorial we will see how to use the Docker Hub to find images for your containers.
What is Docker Hub?
Docker hub is the Official Docker Image Registry that contains all the images that are created and distributed by the worldwide Docker development community.
Docker hub contains both official images and third party images. Official images are usually supported by the people who have developed the application. For example, WordPress image from the official repository is supported by the WordPress team.
None Official images are prefixed with the name of the developer . For example, The name of the WordPress image developed by bitnami is 'bitnami/wordpress'.
Search Images on Docker Hub Website
Docker Hub is the best place to find images for your docker containers. Go to the docker hub website and use the search box to search for images, as shown in the following screenshot.
Click on the repository name to go to repository details page. There you can find useful information about the image.
In the Repository page you will find different versions of the image also knows as tags. We can use these tags to download a specific version of an image from the repository.
For Example, Using docker pull command we can pull WordPress 4.7.5-apache image as shown below.
docker pull wordpress:4.7.5-apache
The repository page includes documentation on how to use the images to create docker containers with various configuration options.
In addition, The Docker Hub Registry also provides a platform to share your own docker images. for that you need to create a docker hub account.